Saturday 30 August 2008


The summer heatwave has given way to cooler and more changeable weather. So the last 10 days or so have been much cooler (mid 20s). It has also been a lot wetter - with rainstorms on one day on each of the last 2 weekends.

This is Saturday afternoon in Shinjuku. A good day for staying inside the 'Takashimya' shopping centre.

On Friday we had what was probably the most impressive thunderstorm I've ever seen. It was very intense for about 2 hours with lots of lightening and really loud prologued thunder - some of it crashing right overhead and shaking the windows!

Unfortunately I was too absorbed to grab the camera until the storm was dying down. But this gives some idea.

One of these lightening bolts struck a big tree in Yoyogi park and blew off most of its branches

Opera City

So what do you do on a wet weekend when your one-year old is cooped up and beginning to behave like a diva or a prima-donna? Take her to the Opera House of course!

Just up the road is 'Opera City' which is a recent property development with a big tower and the headquarters of the National Opera and Ballet companies. So you can see Ballet or Opera here (if you can get a babysitter).

But more important for parents of a bored 1-year-old, it also has a nice and rather empty shopping mall which is perfect for running around.

There are also some restaurants, especially on the top (50th and 52nd) floors of the Opera City Tower. Which one will Hannah choose? How about sushi?

No? Yaki-niku (barbeque) it is then. Hannah is now very keen on feeding herself if she can.

She likes playing with ice cubes.

We don't often give her ice-cream but this was a special occasion.