Saturday 15 October 2011

Family Road Trip 1

Last weekend we went down to Shimoda to join Baba, Makoji, Yachan,  Papa-ojichan, Nao-chan and Chi-chan for another family road-trip.

We all met at Shimoda on Saturday morning and then travelled up to 'Izu Animal Kingdom',  a zoo with a fun park north of Shimoda.

This is Ako-chan the parrot.  You can hear her say 'konnichiwa' ('hello'), 'nani' ('what') and 'samui' ('its cold').

Three lions - 2 females on the platform and a male resting in the grass.

The star exhibit was the white tigers.  

I also enjoyed watching these little yappy dogs protecting their owners from the scary giraffes

But by far the biggest highlight for Hannah and I was being able to play with an armadillo.  The previous month we had enjoyed watching armadillo videos together on U-Tube.  So this was a 'dream come true'.