Friday 20 July 2007

Baby Hanna born 20-Jul 2007

Baby Hanna was born at 3:23 pm today at the Red Cross Medical Centre in Hiroo.

This being Japan, cameras were not just allowed in the operating theatre but actually compulsory - even the nurses took photos. Although we had to leave the 2nd unit, the lighting crew and Rikas mum at the door.

I sat next to Rikas head holding her hand during the operation. I could see the operation over the screen but I wasn't brave enough to watch very much of it.

But I did watch Hanna being unfolded and lifted out of Rikas tummy.

This is the first ever photo of Hanna!

Hanna weighed in at 3776 grams, which is about 8 shillings and tuppence in old money. 3776 is a special number as it is the height of Mt Fuji in meters.

We were hoping that Hannas birthday would be 07-07-07. But 20-07-2007 is pretty good as well. Hanna's birth time of 3:23 is also a special number as it can be pronounced in japanese as 'mini-mi'.

Being measured up. Head is a 10! Rika was told that with such a big noggin a normal delivery would have been very difficult.

Body length 52cm

After Hanna was cleaned, checked and measured, she was given to me to hold until Rika was able to hold her. It was a very special experience to look into Hannas eyes

As soon as Rika was ready, Hanna was placed on Rikas chest, and they enjoyed a long cuddle together, while the surgeons sewed Rika up.

Thanks to everyone mother and baby are fine.

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