Sunday 12 August 2007


Our cat Sasuke is very sweet but he has a personal 'issues' dating back to his early kitten-hood and his relationship with his mother. This shows in various inappropriate and disfunctional behaviour including obsessive patrolling and peeing in the wrong places.

So Rika arranged for him to be visited by a well-known cat psychologist and author... I expected her to suggest ways to re-train Sasuke to find the litter box. But no. Apparently Sasuke knows exactly how to use the litter box and he is deliberately choosing to pee elsewhere in order to provoke a reaction from us. Classic attention-seeking behaviour! So we were advised to let him back inside the house and show him lots of affection.

This advice sounds like rubbish to me. But its 5,000 yen rubbish so we are going to try it. We have moved the cage back inside and under the stairs. The top of the cage is now a popular spot for Minimi and Sasuke to watch the living room.

Since Sasuke has moved back inside he has started a new obsessive behaviour. He now likes to put his head under the cat blanket if he can. This a habit he picked up was confined to a cold room in the house in Ikadaba during February.

Sasuke also likes to sit on the stairs at head hight so I can stroke his neck when I walk around burping Hannah.

Minimi and Sasuke largely ignore Hannah. They don't know seem to know what to think about her. I think they find her a bit rude. She stares at them without following basic cat courtesies like blinking slowly, and when they come near to say hello, she often makes a sudden noises or cries loudly instead of slowly touching noses like polite cats do.

Minimi seems disappointed that he gets less attention than before. So he's learning how to ensure he gets his share.
This is an example of the Japanese expression 'ryou te ni Hana' (両手に花) which means 'a flower in each hand'.

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