Tuesday 27 November 2007

At the table

Hanna is now 4 months old and she has really changed in the last month. She is now much more sociable and interested in what is going on around her.

One activity she now seems to enjoy is to sit on my knee at the table and enjoy meals together.

She will happily sit listening to conversation and watching. The video below was recorded at Rika's Mums house at Ikadaba a couple of weeks ago - she is obviously following who is speaking.

Another hobby is to watch me eat. I think she was really amazed to see the food get scooped up and then disappear into my face!

Hanna also seemed to have a particular interest in my glass of West End Extra Light 0.9% larger. But I guess it IS a girls beer.

She is now getting interested in putting things into her mouth. Her fingers, my fingers, the coffee cup int his case.

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