Sunday 22 February 2009


Well it was a tough week. Hanna and Rika came down with stomach flu. Hanna started vomiting repeatedly on 1am on Thursday morning, and until Saturday night she wouldn't take any food except nursing. She kept waking up every hour or so wanting to nurse with Rika. This was really tough on Rika, who started getting stomach cramps herself from Thursday until Sunday. On Friday the hospital diagnosed them both with stomach flu .

To let Rika get some sleep, I'd comfort Hanna through the small hours down in the living room. Hanna would doze if I rocked her in my arms or sling ("Dako"), and played her soothing music like Beethovens piano sonatas. But if I sat down she she'd wake up and cry...  

This is 11am Sunday morning after a long night

By Saturday Hanna was eating again, but she had stomach pains and needed lots of holding until Sunday while Rika was still quite sick. They gradually came right over the next week.

This is the first time Hanna has been sick, so overall we have been pretty lucky.

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