Sunday 4 May 2014

Golden Week Rice Planting

In early May, just after Easter we flew to Japan for the Golden Week weekend and family rice-planting event.

I helped Papa-oji-chan with the preparation of the rice field.

Hannah helped Baba to find and cut-off bamboo shoots.

They peeled-off the outer layers of the shoots and boiled-up the soft inner flesh.

Rika had ordered a swing from Ikea which we set-up in the barn.

The next day I helped drive the rice-planting machine

The upper field all planted.

We also had to help Makoji-san and Ya-chan fix the fences protecting the rice-field from deer and wild-boar.

We needed the very tallest family member to help hang these tall fences.  Can you guess who that might be?   Well Hannah of course (standing on my shoulders).   Hannah was very proud to help out.

Paddy fields in the late afternoon

After all the work was done we went for a yaki-niku meal

Ma-chan and Hannah.  Don't they look similar?

We flew out from Haneda airport which has the nicest airport mall Ive ever seen with a nice recreation of a traditional Edo-style shops.

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