Sunday 3 March 2013


The first 2 months of 2013 are already over so its a good time to review my New Year's resolutions.

My plan was to cut  my weight down to 85kg.   To achieve this I've followed the Daddy's diet of not drinking more than one bottle of wine in an evening.

So far I've cut my weight from from 102.4kg and 27.6% body-fat to 105.0kg and 27.6% body-fat.  That makes about +8kg since we arrived in Hong Kong.  Mainly because I'm not cycling to work 1hr every day. 

Clearly firmer action is required!

But who wants a 'six-pack' anyway....

...when you can have a 'keg'!

I recently had this conversation with Hannah:

Hannah:   "I don't like being a girl, I want to be a boy"
Daddy:   "Why would you want to be a boy?"
Hannah:  "I don't like having to wear tops when I go swimming"
Daddy:  "Ah.  Actually you don't need to wear a top if you don't want to.  You only really need to wear a top if you have breasts"

Hannah:  "But Daddy, why don't you wear a top then?"

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