Saturday 20 July 2013

Ocean Park - Summer Splash

During summer Ocean Park has lots of events around the theme of ''summer splash' where kids can play in water and cool off.

After we bought some spare clothes, Hannah made straight for the water slide.   There was almost no wait so Hannah could keep riding it for an hour or so.

The slide even had a photographer taking great shots of kids having a ball.

For lunch we went to the Panda Cafe which appropriately enough serves roasted panda from the great free-range panda ranches of sichuan (not really).   It has a conservation theme with the paper on the trays identifying 3 species of fish including bluefin tuna that are endangered by over-fishing and suggesting that we reduce our consumption of them.

After lunch we sent to see a bird show and then to the children's playground area where there was a bouncy castle and a ride called 'Frog Hopper' which Hannah really liked.

Again, there was essentially no que, so Hannah could ride it again and again....   more than 12 times by her count.

Ocean Park has 3 areas with the main amusement park area being a cable-car ride away over the hill.  We didn't get out of the first section which is aimed at younger kids.  So plenty more to see next visit.

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