One wekend we went to Aksakusa, and visited the small amusement park there for the first time. One of the rides is to be pulled high up into the arir on a sort of 'mobile'. You can see the pagoda of Asakusa shrine in the background.

The amusement park is fun for all ages.

Then we wnet for a beer at a famous old pub.
Hannah took this picture of Rika.

Hannah now lokes wearing her sunglasses and putting them on herself to get the right 'look'

Sometimes in the weekend I take Hannah to the park to give Rika some time off. Hannah loves playing with small stones, so she really enjoys

We had a brioef visit from Ya-chan and Makoji-chan.

Trying to encourage Hannah to copy the dance along to her favourate video.

Shopping at Takeshimiya
I was amazed how well Hannah handled this puppet.
Rika made Hannah a new desk in the living-room.