'The Swallow's Gift' is based on a Korean folktale and tells the story of 2 brothers Hung-bu ad Nol-bu. Nol-bu, the eldest brother, was rich but very mean and forced his brother's family to live in poverty.
Our Hannah was cast against against type as the spoilt daughter from Nobu's rich family.
Although Hung-bu's family are poor and starving they are very kind. They protect a wounded swallow from a hunter and nurse it back to health rather than roasting it or stewing it with kimchii. So the Swallow King rewards Hung-bu's family with a magic gourd and a Korean Fairy who gives them what they deserve - wealth and good fortune.
Video 2 : Nobu's family are jealous of Hungbu's good fortune, and plot to get a magic gourd too. They capture a swallow and break its wing so that they can nurse it back to health and earn a gourd.
Video 3 : The Swalow King and his generals bring Nobu's family a magic gourd. The gourd opens revealing the Korean Fairy who gives them what they deserve - a severe telling-off followed by poverty and destitution.
Nobu's poor family go begging to Hung-bu who welcomes them with open arms and offers to share and work together. Everyone lives happily ever after.
The play was very well produced and a lot of fun. I was impressed with the young actors and the way they kept going when there were problems. It was all very charming.
The cast take a bow.
Hannah was very nervous before the play on Thursday. She said she had a devil in her head telling her 'you can't do anything', and an angel telling her 'don't worry, it will be fine'. But she was very brave and did her part very well. On Saturday she was less nervous but somewhat overcome with silliness towards the end.