Rika and Hanna have now been home for almost a week
For Hanna the main event is feeding every few hours followed by a nice cuddle with Rika.
Or sitting in Rikas lap for some 'mum and baby' time.
We are lucky that Hanna feeds well during the day and sleeps well at night , so Hanna is generally content to be fed just once betwen midnight and 7am. Also Rika has some home-help this week courtsey of the Shibuya local authority. Nevertheless the constant cycles of feeding are exhausting.
Hanna looks very cute and peaceful when she sleeps. This is her 'reclining buddha' pose.

She is also lovely as she wakes up. I look out for her little 'I feel wonderful' smiles.

She is also lovely as she wakes up. I look out for her little 'I feel wonderful' smiles.

Unfortunately much of the time Hana is fully awake she seems uncomfortable, and she cries quite a lot, especially if we lie her on her back. She often seems to suffer from gas and sometimes seems overtired from lack of sleep. So we are now trying to improve our burping skills, and find ways to encourage her to nap.
This burping position seems to give Hanna some relief and usually produces several impressive burps...
Ive been looking for other positions that Hanna finds comfortable. She stays like this one without crying although it doesn't seem very practical.
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