Hanna was three months old last week. She seems like a completely different baby now, compared with even 2 weeks ago.
Firstly her colic has cleared up. So she is much happier lying on her back, and doesn't demand to be carried all the time. So we can now put her down and enjoy talking to her face-to-face.
Hanna still likes to be carried when she is upset but now she usually she demands to be carried facing out, instead of just facing my chest, so she can see what's going on.
She has also outgrown her old cot already so we have hired a bigger one.
Another change is that Hannah is now happier to be carried in a sling as well as the Baby Bjorn carrier. I think she feels more secure now she can control over her head.
I think she looks very different now that she can hold her head steady. She is sometimes happy to be put into a bouncy seat and watch whats going on.
Also she is now holding things and beginning to try putting them in her mouth.
Until now she always complained when we put her in my sling. But now she obviously enjoys it...
I think she looks very different now that she can hold her head steady. She is sometimes happy to be put into a bouncy seat and watch whats going on.
Also she is now holding things and beginning to try putting them in her mouth.
Hanna's face seems to change by the week. At her 3 month checkup she was 5.5 kg which is about 1 stand deviation below average for Japanese girls. Nevertheless she is now overtaken Sasuke as the third largest member of the family.
Hanna has much better control of her hands, and in particular she can now sooth herself by sticking her hand into her mouth.
This photos and video below was taken today.
Hanna is now strong enough to stand up with a little help. She can even support most of her bodyweight.
Sometimes she looks more like a little person than a baby.
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