1. Using chopsticks.
Hannah unexpectedly started using chopsticks at the harvest dinner with Rika's family. So we gave her a set of training chopsticks to use.
2. Arguing back to Rika.
Hannah usually has a strong idea what she wants and can be quite difficult to control, especially at bed time.
* One evening in bed Hannah kept playing rather than going to sleep, so Rika told her that if she kept playing we would both go downstairs and leave her alone in the room. Hannah immediately callled the bluff by saying 'bye-bye'.
* We have been reading a book called 'No David!' about a boy who does lots of things he shouldn't, including running around without clothes on. Later when Hannah wouldn't get dressed after her bath Rika said 'if you do this we'll have to call you David'. Hannah's reply was "Hanna-chan David ja nai, Mummy ga David dayo" (Im not a (naughty) David, Mummy is!)
* Hannah sings the song 'Zou-san' (Mr Elephant) with the altered lyrics "so yo kaa-san mo kowaii no yo" (Mummy is scary too)
3. First Video
This is one of the fiest videos Hannah recorded herself
4. Toilet Training
Hannah has started toilet training. This is the first photo I took from a few weeks ago. Just after this photo she pressed the buttons on her right and switched on the bidet! ('bikirishita!' - what a surprise!). So to avoid flooding we have had to switch this off at the wall.
Its a few weeks later and Hannah is just potty about the toilet. This maybe encouraged by seeing other chikdren at school who are toilet trained. She tells us when she she wants to go.
And she washes her hands afterwards (shes been doing this for fun for ages).
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