On Saturday we got out early and went by bike to the new playground at Gaien. We were the first to arrive at 10am.
So Hannah could have the big slide to herself.
When other children arrived we had to have a little chat about sharing.
Later we went on the big-kids slide which is wide enough for us both to slide down together. At first Hannah wanted to slide down with me, then she wanted me to sit at the top and push me down, and finally she slid down on her own.
Hannah took this video of me at the top of the slide.
The park has a food-stall with tables and chairs laid out in a sunny spot. So we could enjoy a nice junky lunch of cheesed nachos, 'nikuman' (pork buns), and corn soup.
On Sunday I took Hannah to the cycle track at Yoyogi Park. It was a big milestone for me because Hannah rode a bike by herself for the first time.
Hannah was less excited and after a few minutes wanted to stop, take her shoes off and play in the mud.
For now Hannah is more interested in playing with the bushes at the side of the track, than riding her bike around the track. (Hannah is saying she doesn't want to have a nap or go to school so she is still a bit traumtised)
So we left the bicycles and went up to the Tokyo Riding Club in Sangubashi to look at the horses. Hannah took this photo.
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