eat some beans and thick-rolled sushi ('futomaki'). It is very important to drive the demons to the south-south-east (that is, roughly towards New Zealand), and our supermarkets have not just been selling special bags of beans, but also posting helpful maps indicating the correct direction.
We had intending to go to Yoyogi Hachiman shrine for mamemaki but instead we stayed at home to enjoy the biggest snowfall in Tokyo for 10 years.
(actually this was from last week...)
The big news was that Hanna stood up by herself today. Unfortunately I was too worried about her falling to praise her. A ctually I had a wee accident and bumped her head earlier in the day...
Since we have underfloor heating, the warmest place in the house was lying on the floor, which is a good place to do some weights.
Hanna wil try to get my glasses. Here she is trying to eat them while they are still on my head.
This is Minimi in front of the audio, trying to quietly enjoy some classical music.
A recent discovery is that if I use one of these musical books, Hannah will crawl over, try to eat the book, and then sing along (after she has finished trying to eat the book). Its really good fun.
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