This is a slang term for a man's bike with a baby seat. "Chari" is short for "Chariot". Most mothers here have a "mama-chari" for cycling with their children to school or the shops.
After much thought I bought a new mountain bike and had a babyseat fitted, and lent Rika my old folding-bike.
The whole family is now 'mobile', and our convenient range of movement has increased by about 3-5 times. For example we can now get to Shinjuku Central Park in about 10 minutes compared with 30min before, and Takeshima in Shinjuku is only 15 min away.
Hanna was initially very reluctant to try riding in the baby seat. She also developed a real aversion to the bike shop, and would scream whenever we went in to look at bikes.
But now she is very keen to ride and is often demanding to be taken out by saying "Bicycle! Bicycle!".
She also insists on doing up her helmet herself.
Hanna was also given a push try-cycle by one of our neighbours. So she also likes riding this to the shops or the park. She has not yet learn't to push the pedals herself.
We also tried the children's cycle trail in Yoyogi Park where we can rent small bikes. She enjoyed being pushed around but I think she is still a bit small for this.
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